Christmas Musical Roses

As December arrives, the Christmas spirit is in full swing, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! Already, my home is adorned with a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, and a myriad of colourful lights cascade around the house. Some might say I’m a touch overenthusiastic, but I can’t help it – this is undoubtedly my favourite time of the year. The anticipation of hearing delightful Christmas music playing in shops over the next month fills me with joy. However, along with the merriment comes the realisation that I have a colossal amount of Christmas shopping to tackle. With numerous friends and a plethora of events to attend, there are many gifts to purchase, and it’s undoubtedly an exciting yet expensive endeavour.

One person on my list is my dearest friend, Amelia, who happens to be an avid gardener. Living on the outskirts, where city and country coexist, she is blessed with a back garden that is thrice the size of mine. Amelia has transformed this space into a captivating oasis, brimming with hundreds of diverse plant varieties. Every day, she dedicates time to carefully nurture each plant, be it fruits, vegetables, flowers, or trees – her garden is a true botanical wonder.

For Amelia’s gift, I’m determined to surprise her with a truly rare and exceptional plant. However, the challenge lies in finding something she doesn’t already possess. In the past, she thoughtfully gifted me the standard roses for sale that one often encounters in florists, in the hope of igniting my interest in gardening. To this day, those roses continue to bloom, a testament to her thoughtful gesture. Yet, my apartment complex limits my gardening opportunities, and thus, most of my plants reside indoors as potted wonders, content in their space-saving haven. 

Nonetheless, I’m committed to finding the perfect rare gem for Amelia’s garden. The search for places to buy garden seeds online is on, as I scour the internet for that one extraordinary find that will leave her astonished. While my shopping list may be extensive, the delight of gifting loved ones and seeing their faces light up makes this Christmas season all the more special.